Sou a: Inici / VI JPL / Papereria / Call for papers

Call for papers

Call to participation VI-*JPL/ 


Welcome to the sixth edition of the Days of Software Libre (* http://www.*jornadespl.*org). The VI-*JPL/. Faithfuls to the commitment of the organizers to make of these days the days worldwide, in this edition the days will be celebrated in Girona. In six editions of *JPL we will for the first time visit a university different from the UPC. 

*JPL has like main objective the diffusion of free software. I struggle as to harness its use to the search, development and teaching, as well as to present the activities where free software takes part that at the moment are carried out to the diverse Catalan universities and also to other sectors of the country including the administration. 

The days are opened to everybody and are a good point of contact by the people involved in free software and also by those people who fly to know this world. 

In this edition JPL changes of format. This year they are organized so that both central days specifically are dedicated to the aspects more technicians and the days that build and close the days are open to events more informal than they can be organized by other groups. 

During the central days, three types of activities will take upon maturity: 

1. The invited conferences. People with interesting ideas to explain that they are invited specifically by the organization. 

2. The communications. Works, experiences, developments and other questions that the people whom they have loved have decided to come to explain to us. 

3. The tutorials. Participativas classes of and around average an early duration in what an expert person illustrates to us in some concrete aspect related to free software. 

The days of the wrapper are thought by activities like which, without wanting to be exhaustive, it has next: 

* The factories. Factories of short duration (max. 4 hours) in which an expert person can introduce to you in a specific subject: the use of a concrete tool, like taking certain task, etc. upon maturity. 

* Debates and round tables. Experts in the matter discuss in public subjects of the present time related to free software. 

* Encounter of developer and/or users. 

* Sprints,bug squashing you started off, etc. 

The previous editions of JPL were celebrated in Barcelona (JPL I and II), in Manresa (JPL III), Vilanova i the Geltrú (JPL IV) and Barcelona (JPL V). 

Important dates 

* Shipment of communications: until the 2 of June of 2007 

*. Notification of acceptance: 9 of June of 2007 

*. Days: from the 4 to the 7 of 2007 July. The nucleus will take place days 5 and 6. Days 4 and 7 do of wrapper. 


The subjects that will treat preferredly to the days are the following ones: 

* Operating systems pounds and their nuclei (Linux, Hurd, FreeBSD…). 

* Development. 

* Use in education. 

* Applications multimedia. 

* Communications, networks, networks “wireless”, security,… 

* Internationalization, translations to the Catalan. 

* Philosophical and social implications. 

* Implantation of free software to nongovernmental organizations, public institutions, companies,… 

* Applications to the search, teaching, management,… 

* Videojuegos free. 

* Robótica and free software. 

* Legal questions: licenses, patents, intellectual property,… 

* Search on free software. 

Without excluding head another subject related to free software. 

Request of communications 

The communications must have a maximum extension of 10 leaves DIN A4, to a single column, measured letter 11 points. The communications are put under a process of revision and selection. Of the accepted communications one will be due to do an oral presentation during the days of 20 minutes of duration more 10 minutes of questions. 

The communications are due to present/display in electronic format (pdf or ps) following the instructions that you will find in the Web of the days. 

Proposals of factories and other activities 

This year it is possible to propose factories and other activities to develop during the wrapper of JPL. Animaos and you direct your proposal to the secretariat of the days with the following information: 

* Names and connections of the promoters of the proposal 

* Title 

* Objectives 

* Program 

* Necessary material (machines, projector, programs,…) 

* Observations 


By so of being able to make a minimum forecast of the necessary number of seats, he is mandatory to register for all the participants of the days, including the ponentes. The inscription is gratuitous. 

The date of opening of the inscription will communicate by means of the list and the page Web of JPL. 

Like being informed 

* If you subscribe to the list of distribution of the days to you we will maintain informed into the last referring new features to the days. This list is moderate and of low traffic (eight messages the year at the most). 

* Also you can reduce had to the page Web the days or to use a subscription RSS 

Technical secretariat 

Jordi Regincós Isern 

Department of Applied Mathematical Computer science and 

Building P-IV, Campus of Montilivi 

Universitat de Girona, 17003 GIRONA 

Tel: 972 41 89 91/972 41 84 17 

Email: secretarí 

Organizing committee 

Antoni Beard (Depto. LSI, EPSEVG) 

Raimon Esteve Cusiné (CODILLIURE) 

Laura Fernandez (Dept LSI) 

Formentí Eulàlia Famadas (CPL) 

Orestes But (Depto. TSC, Embers) 

Alex Mounted (Depto. AC, Embers) 

Ramon Navarro Bosch ( 

Register (Depto shone. LSI, EPSEVG) 

Leopold Palomo (Embers) 

Eva Perales (Depto. AC, Embers) 

Lluís Perez Vidal (Embers, GIE, ETSEIB) 

Carles Pina (Catux) 

Jordi Regincós Isern (Depto. IMA, UDG) 

Antoni Soto (GIE, ETSEIB) 

Sergi Tur (Xarx@ntoni/) 

Sebastià Vila (GIE, CPL) 

Josep Vilaplana (GIE, ETSEIB) 


* Chair of Software Libre of the UPC 

* Department of Applied Mathematical Computer science and of the UDG 

* Department of Electronics, Automatic Computer science and of the UDG 

With the support of 

* Superior Polytechnical school of the UDG 

* Institute of Sciences of the Education of the UPC 

* Superior Polytechnical school of Engineering of Manresa 
